Tuesday August 15th,2017
One of the biggest and most prestigious events this summer took place Wednesday August 2nd, 2017 as Canada’s Walk of Fame hosted the gala fundraiser “Music Under The Stars” at Toronto’s Casa Loma. Some of the stars who walked the red carpet included Grammy/Oscar nominee composer Stephan Moccio,Comedian Andre-Philippe Gagnon , Juno Award winner Alan Frew of Glass Tiger ,2010 Allan Slaight Honour Recipient Nikki Yanofsky, and 2016 Canada’s Walk of Fame Inductee “Corey Hart”. Rudy Blair Entertainment Media rudyblairmedia.com Chats with the Juno award winner about the event, his hit singles “Sunglasses at Night” http://tinyurl.com/nala6d9 & “Boy in the Box” http://tinyurl.com/y8dq8n5c and if he actually did retire from music. www.coreyhart.com/ .www.canadaswalkoffame.com/