Chat with Rachel Whynot on IRIS BLU Lounge at 2017 TIFF

Saturday September 9th,2017

Lots of movies,celebrities,parties,galas and premiers happening during the 2017 Toronto International Film Festival(September 7-17th,2017. Even though there’s lots going, not everyone gets to be part of the TIFF party hype….. until now. There is a gift lounge located in the heart of TIFF(Peacok Bar 365 King St. West, Toronto) and it’s not just open for the big stars but for the public as well. Rudy Blair Entertainment Media Chats with “Rachel Whynot” about the “IRIS BLU Lounge” on our you can walk past the velvet rope,walk the red carpet, have your picture taken like a VIP and walk away with swag.(runs from September 7th to Sunday, September 10th.)