Chat w actor Cyrus Lane on Ross Petty production of A Christmas Carol

Sunday December 3rd, 2017

For 20 years Toronto audiences have been entertained  during the holiday season by one of the funniest people to ever grace the The Elgin and Winter Garden Theatre Centre  …“Ross Petty”.    Inspired by the British tradition of pantomimes, a Petty production is filled with laughter, cutting edge humour and lots of audience participation for both kids & adults .  Even though Petty doesn’t actually act in his productions anymore his comedic influence is still the main source of fun and it’s definitely generated in his new stage show about and old classic Christmas story(with a definite twist of humour). Rudy Blair Entertainment Media Chats with actor “Cyrus Lane” who plays  Ebenezer Scrooge in the  Ross Petty’s holiday show “A Christmas Carol”  . (Ross Petty presents A Christmas Carol runs from November 24th- December 31st)