Chat w LU KALA on her single DCMO (Don’t Count Me Out) at The Live Industry Music Awards CMW 2019

Tuesday May 28th, 2019

One of Canada’s premiere music festivals Canadian Music Week  took place in Toronto (May 6, 2019 – May 12, 2019).  Over 600 artists from around the world performed at over 40 venues across the GTA.  One of the big events that took place was the Live Music Industry Awards  (Friday May 10th, 2019) at  the Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel‎  .   The Live Industry Music Awards honours outstanding individuals and achievements in the live music business sector. After the award show, Rudy Blair Entertainment Media  spoke with R&B/Soul/Pop artist  LU KALA (who performed at the awards) about her career and new single DCMO (Don’t Count Me Out)  .