Intv w Erin Benjamin on CLMA and Kinaxis Live Concert Series Helping Hard Hit Music Industry

Monday December 21st, 2020

(This Interview is also on YouTube    )

(This Interview is also on Soundcloud   ) 

As the Covid-19 pandemic effects concerts and the live music industry in Canada with devastating financial losses (according to the year-end report by live-entertainment trade publication, Pollstar, , the industry has lost more than 30 billion globally this year) two organizations, Canadian Live Music Association and Kinaxis,  have come together to help give a revenue boost to venues, pay artists for their performances, and bring audiences together.  Rudy Blair Entertainment Media  speaks with CLMA President and CEO, Erin Benjamin  about the new concert/music initiative “Canadian Live Music Association and Kinaxis Announce Live Concert Series to Help Sustain Hard-Hit Music Industry” (sponsoring upto 30 concerts supporting artists in diverse music genres across Canada) .