Interview with The Jolly Old Elf “Santa Claus” on Christmas Eve 2020

Thursday December 24th, 2020

(This Interview is also on YouTube  )

(This Interview is also on Soundcloud  ) 

Today is Christmas Eve ( Thursday December 24th, 2020) and that means it’s the busiest day for the one and only Santa Claus  ! He’s flying around the world to deliver presents and toys for good little boys and girls. Usually before the big trip, Rudy Blair Entertainment Media makes his way to the North Pole to speak with Santa and Mrs Claus  but because of Covid-19,  Rudy Blair spoke with the Jolly Old Elf over the phone to discuss  how he and the elves  are preparing  for one of the most important days of the year, how he is protecting himself and everyone around him from the virus and he has a very special message for all the little boys and girls and also all the mommies and daddies.    (Want to track Santa Claus as he travels around the world?  For over 60 years, NORAD and its predecessor, the Continental Air Defence Command (CONAD) have tracked Santa’s flight.  )