Chat w Adrian Cooper & Anthony Carell on Pro Wrestling and Battle Arts Academy

Tuesday April 3rd, 2018


This Sunday April 8th, 2018  the WWE’s Wrestlemania 34  will take place at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans, Louisiana.  Wrestlemaina has become one of sports entertainments largest yearly events where thousands of wrestling fans from around the world attend and millions watch on PPV.  Pro Wrestling has changed over the years from shows taking place in small venues to now being hosted in some of the biggest stadiums in the world.  But before any of the stars you see today in the WWE became world famous ,they got their start in local training schools .  Rudy Blair Entertainment Media  visted one of those schools ”Battle Arts Academy”  (4880 Tomken Rd, Mississauga, ON ) to Chat with the owner former WWE superstar “Anthony Carelli.” better known to fans as Santino Marella and future wrestling star Adrian Cooper(aka Prince Darius) on the hardships and  reality of what it really takes to one day become a WWE Superstar.  

(Part 1 of a 2 Part series)