Chat w Michele Lenick on Brain Cancer Concert Fundraiser “Liv,Love & Lyrics”

Monday November 14th 2016

A concert fundraiser is taking place(Sunday November 27th,2016 at Toronto’s Mod Club) to honour the memory of “Olivia Wise” who developed brain cancer. Six weeks before her passing she recorded a music video of the Katy Perry hit “Roar”. It went viral, receiving millions of hits and becoming an inspiration to people around the world including Perry who reached out to the 16 year old praising her for her courage. Rudy Blair Entertainment Media Chats with “Michele Lenick”,Event Managerfor the “LivWise Foundation” about the concert fundraiser ..”Liv,Love & Lyrics” that will include headliner Canadian recording Pop artist…”Virginia To Vegas”. (Rudy Blair will be the MC for this event)