Tuesday February 20th, 2018
(This Video was recorded at Toronto’s Buonanotte Restaurant, 19 Mercer St, Toronto, ON M5V 1H2, (416) 599-7246 buonanottetoronto.com email [email protected])
Toronto singer/songwriter “Sarah Cripps” https://www.sarahcripps.com/ has released her self-titled sophomore album. She’s also performing tomorrow (Wednesday February 21st, 2018) at he Dakota Tavern thedakotatavern.com/ & at The Piston March 6th, 2018 https://www.thepiston.ca/ . Rudy Blair Entertainment Media rudyblairmedia.com Chats with Sarah on her music evolution, why there was a five year gap between albums & her latest LP including the single “ Leave Behind” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zc9H8… .