Interview w Fitness Host Anjelica Scannura on Anjelica’s 22 Minute Workout on ONETV

Thursday December 26th, 2019

A popular New Years resolution is to get back into shape.  But if you feel a little intimidated in going to a professional gym or can’t afford it there’s a way to get a great work out in the comfort of your own home and it’s based on an 80’s phenomena .  Anjelica’s 22 Minute Workout is on the Fitness channel called ONETV(Bell channel 606, Bell Fibe 1606)) and on daily at 8am and 7pm. Rudy Blair Entertainment Media  was on location at Toronto’s Zoomer studios(Zoomerplex) to speaks with fitness host, comedian & champion dancer Anjelica Scannura on how this new workout program works for everyone and can help you reach your health goals.

( Anjelica’s 22 Minute Workout  )