Interview w Senior Coordinator Nick Godsoe on MusiCounts Support during the COVID 19 Pandemic

Friday July 3rd, 2020

(This Interview is also on YouTube    )

(This Interview is also on Soundcloud  )

The Canadian organization that raises money, awareness & provide music instruments for schools across the nation helping to support music programs , “MusiCounts” has had to re-organize their approach because of the COVID-19 pandemic     .  Rudy Blair Entertainment Media  speak with Nick Godsoe  ,  Senior Coordinator of Programming on the history behind MusiCounts, it’s connection the CARAS and the Juno awards, how music can help the confidence in a student, how they honour music teachers across Canada every year, how you can help donate and support MusiCounts and their new social distancing program called MusiCounts Learn , encouraging students to continue their music education at home.