Intv w Canadian Troubadour Doug Smith on Celebration Canada Day music video The Maple Leaf Forever

Wednesday July 1st, 2020

(This Interview is also on YouTube    )

(This Interview is also on Soundcloud   )

He was an immigrant from Scotland who not only fell in love with Canada but based his music career and persona on representing the red, white and maple leaf .  Today (Wednesday July 1st, 2020) he’s premiering  a new music video celebrating Canada Day called “The Maple Leaf Forever”   .  Rudy Blair Entertainment Media  speaks with Douglas Smith also known as “The Canadian Troubadour”   about his music career, growing up in Canada, how his life in the military helped him appreciate this country, how he became “The Canadian Troubadour”,  creating the music video “The Maple Leaf Forever” , his follow up album & his feeling on the Canadian melting pot.