Intv w L.A Wade on short film “Thirsty AF: The Adventures of a Recovering Sex Addict”

Intv w L.A Wade on short film “Thirsty AF: The Adventures of a Recovering Sex Addict”

Friday November 10th, 2023

The Author of the highly anticipated book The Adventures of a Recovering Sex Addict Vol. 2: Friends with Benefits but Mostly Liabilities is also releasing  a new short film about the escapades of a charming ensemble, spearheaded by a recovering sex addict, as they embark on a journey to confront their personal addictions, navigating a landscape of both poignant and uproarious blunders.  Rudy Blair Entertainment Media  speaks with Author and Filmmaker L.A. Wade about her career, book and short film  “Thirsty AF: The Adventures of a Recovering Sex Addict”  .

(Video background created by Motion Graphics provided by

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