REVIEW OF “Things I Know To Be True” (MIRVISH)

REVIEW OF “Things I Know To Be True” (MIRVISH)

Sunday February 12th, 2023

Had the opportunity of attending the media afternoon premiere of one of the most powerful stage performances I’ve seen in a long time, “Things I Know To Be True” (MIRVISH) at the CAA Theatre 651 Yonge St in Toronto. Featuring actors Tom McCamus, Seana McKenna, Alanna Bale, Michael Derworiz, Christine Horne and Daniel Maslany, “Things I Know To Be True” premiered in 2016 in Adelaide, Australia and was written Andrew Bovell. The plot focuses on a family(The Prices) who seem like the every day modern suburban family, with elderly parents and adult children.  As “perfect” as they may seem, their real life problems prove “you can’t hide behind a facade”.  “Things I Know To Be True” is  a very emotional story that can bring tears to your eyes and even cause you to reflect on your own life. The acting is stellar and the story moves quickly (I feel it has to just so you can comprehend how you are feeling after each scene).  It may be a stage show but in many ways mirrors what life for many families are facing today. “Things I Know To Be True” gets 5 out of 5 stars.

(Things I Know To Be True )